Paul Joseph, and his wife Linda have been missionaries in different parts of the world for the last 40 years. They have spent 12 years in Asia (The Philippines and Japan), 8 years in Eastern and western Europe and 10 years in Africa, and more recently in Mexico.
In Côte d’Ivoire, Africa, they built a Bible school in a Liberian refugee camp and consequently they received “The Palm of Love”, an award given to those who give their lives to helping the cause of the poor.
They compiled a Handbook for disciples to help Christians to better understand the change that takes place once we’re born again and to help them deepen their relationship with God. This Handbook is a pocket size companion for all those who want to grow in their walk with the Lord.
The Handbook does not promote any particular church denomination, but rather just the WORD of God straight from the Bible.
The most important aspect of Christian life is to know the Word of God (John 8:31-32). It’s good to have fellowship once a week at church, but our most important fellowship has to be our relationship with the Lord and with His Word.
As Christians, we should strive to be well acquainted with all these verses, so that we can answer any question to those who want to know the essence of the Gospel. Try to review the Handbook once a month and you’ll witness changes in your personal life and blessings along the path of your life.
The Handbook has now been translated in several languages to inspire missions and underground churches to be grounded in the Word of God.