1. What is the New Testament?                      

  •  Grace Replaces the Old Law
  • Eternally Saved through ONE Sacrifice: Jesus
  •  Being Born Again
  •  Our New Identity in Christ
  • The Power of Declarations
  • The Boldness of Righteousness

2. God’s Gift to New Believers: The Holy Spirit

  • The Spirit of Truth and the Power of God
  • The Gift of Tongues
  •  Hearing from God

3. The Living Word of God

  •  Jesus is the Word of God ~ The Creator
  • God’s Word cannot Fail 
  • The Benefits of Knowing God’s Word  
  • Study and Meditate on God’s Word
  • Obedience is the Key~ Faith without Works is Dead
  • Memorization of the Word

 4. Living a Vibrant Relationship with God is the New Testament

  • The Believer’s Relationship with the Lord
  • How Much God Loves Us
  • Faith ~The Only Way to Please God
  • Enduring Faith ~ God’s Waiting Room
  • Believers are Given the Full Authority of Christ 
  • Honoring the Lord in all of Our Ways
  • Resting in the Lord ~ The True Sabbath

5. PRAYER: The Believer’s Direct Line to God

     God Hears and Answers Every Prayer

     Pray in Faith, Fully Believing

     Praising and Worshiping God

 6. Discipleship Means “Walking Out” Your Faith

  • What it Means to be a Christian Disciple
  •  Christians Must Bear Fruit
  •  The Christian’s Relationship to the World 
  • A Surrendered Life (Not My Will)
  •  Raising Children is “Discipling”

7. Winning the Spiritual Warfare

  •  The War is in the Mind
  • Renewing Your Mind
  •  How to be “More than Conquerors”
  • Be “On Guard”

8. Freely You Have Received, Freely Give

  • Jesus Healed all that were Sick
  • Authority to Heal the Sick, Cast out Demons, Raise the Dead, Cleanse the    Lepers
  • You can be Healed Too 

9. Religiosity vs Christianity

  • The “Sacred Cows” of Religion 
  • Beware of Self-Righteousness
  • Persecution for Christ’s Sake

10. Witnessing Your Faith

  • The Great Commission
  • Unashamed Boldness and Conviction
  •  Manifesting a True Christian Life 
  •  The Christian’s Love for the World
  •  Let’s Keep Our Witness Simple 
  •  Unity amongst Believers
  •  Walking in Humility

11. Finances of the Kingdom

  • Promises of Blessings
  • Stewardship and Integrity 
  •  Giving

12. The Power of Our Words

  •  Authority through Spoken Words
  •  The Uncontrolled Mouth
  •  Anger and Strife
  •  Gossiping and Lying 
  •  Judging and Criticizing
  •  Bitterness vs Forgiveness
  •  Kind Words and Encouragement

13. Powerful Promises of God in Times of Difficulties

  • Peace that Passes all Understanding
  • Do not Fear
  • Claim God’s Protection
  • Depend on His Strength and Power
  • God’s Promises of Comfort in Tribulation
  • Get His Wisdom and Knowledge

14. Creation vs. Evolution

15. The End of Time

  • Signs of the End time

16. Memorization Verses

  • Important Verses to Commit to Memory